UK appoints Minister for Suicide Prevention and pledges £1.8 million to The Samaritans

UK appoints Minister for Suicide Prevention and pledges £1.8 million to The Samaritans

UK Prime Minister, Theresa May has appointed the first ever Suicide Minister dedicated to reducing suicide across the country.

The PM promoted junior health minister Jackie Doyle-Price and pledged £1.8million to fund The Samaritans helpline for four years.

Mrs May said her appointee would lead a taskforce, introduce suicide prevention plans nationwide and work with victims’ families and charities.

Mrs May said her appointee would lead a taskforce, introduce suicide prevention plans nationwide and work with victims’ families and charities.



To mark World Mental Health Day, the PM said: “We aren’t ­looking after our health if we aren’t looking after our mental health. We need true parity between physical and mental health.”

Ms Doyle-Price said more must be done to tackle the “stigma” people with mental ill health face - and ensure they feel they can “reach out for help”.

Meanwhile, Health Secretary Matt Hancock said progress was being made, noting suicides rates are coming down.



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