
Showing posts with the label visa

Canada Visa Application Fees in Nigeria

If you wish to apply normally for a Canada Visa in Nigeria , you will be required to pay a visa processing fee, which varies depending on the type of visa you’re applying for. Note that the only acceptable payment is in Naira. And remember   Visa lottery application   is free and the 2018 Visa Lottery for various countries is currently ongoing. Your payment must accompany your application. If you submit your application without attaching the correct processing fee, it will be rejected. Official Canada Visa Application Fee in Nigeria Here are the official Canada Visa application fees as of January 21, 2018. Individual visa – (N18,900) Family rate — (N81,300) Study permit — (N26,700) Work permit — (N27,500) Biometric (individual) — (N16,500) Biometric (family) — (N29,700) For each payment received from you, you will be issued a receipt, which you must keep as proof of payment. Note that visa processing fees are  non-refundable  regardless of whether y...


WAYS TO APPLY FOR THE CANADIAN VISA LOTTERY 2018 /2019   If you have been looking for how to apply for the Canadian Visa Lottery 2018/2019?This post is for you. For those who have been dreaming of travelling to their choice cities in Canada, you will find here how to apply for the Canadian Visa Lottery and everything you need Canada Green Card is the official immigration financial assistance program that helps those who wish to travel to Canada and its territories. It’s created mainly for immigrants and below are the mandate of the Canadian visa Lottery. Canada Green Card Mandate Helping Canada with the significant labour market shortage.Helping potential and qualified immigrants with limited financial resources to have a chance in immigrating to Canada, the true destination of choice for immigrants worldwide.Helping newcomers successfully integrate into the Canadian economy and society. REQUIREMENT FOR CANADIAN VISA LOTTERY 2018/2019 1 Requirement for Canad...