
Showing posts with the label Malaysian visa

Malaysian Visa Application 2018/2019 and How to Apply from Nigeria.

Malaysian Visa Application 2018/2019 and How to Apply from Nigeria. Research has it that Malaysia has been one of the most beautiful and most visited countries in the world. The country is adorned with natural beauty, scenic attractions and a lot of friendly people. Its capital city is  Kuala Lumpur . Malaysian Visa Application 2018/2019 and How to Apply from Nigeria. A visa is required to enter into the country for Studying, Business, Tourism etc. and certain processes are involved before you can be issued a visa. NOTE:  The most important thing is that, you need a valid Nigerian Immigration passport (validity of at least 30 days after the intended stay) before you can apply for a visa to Malaysia. Requirement for Social Visa Application. All applicants for Social Visa must be made their application in person and attached alongside  following documents: Two (2) white/blue background UK-sized passport photographs; Original and coloured copy of Inter...