Tips On How To Improve Your Gpa And Stay Focused On Your Education

Tips On How To Improve Your Gpa And Stay Focused On Your Education

How to improve your Gpa this semester easily for the purpose of newbie going through this article..
GPA is a an advanced way of calculating grade,each semester a Grade point avarege (GPA) shall be computed for all courses taken in the semester,The GPA shall be computed and rounded off to two decimal places.. exp (2.99)

Be prepared:

everything structure in life as a foundation beneath, you need to prepared your self you want to also make it in life you don’t want to argue with people who’s the richest man on earth..

Stay organized :

if your reading table looks like a natural disaster that occur in Haiti i don’t expect your GPA to look different ,The more organised you are the easier its for you to stay focus.

Invest your time:

invest more time on your assignment,student are found with the habit of cttrl+c ‘copy” and ctrl+v “paste” though you actually obeyed an order of submitting an assignment but you never follow the main reason the assignment was set out as we all know example is simple ,classwork is tricky,Assigment is logical,at some point you will ask your self can this lecturer solve this foolish assignment,yours is just to attempt to improve that brain of yours ..KEY ASSIGNMENT COMES OUT DURING EXAM ..


higher institution student are found with the habit of rolling their lecture note ,carrying fancy bag around the campus just for fashion ,bags that can’t contain my secondary school physics text book “principle of physics”,your books will surely look rough and you wont be able to go through it,if you look dirty will any girl wanna hear you out same principle comes to play there. please if you are among such student desist from this bad habit get a folder it cost nothing less than 350naira ,not even up to the money you use to play your silly naira bet which will take you nowhere. Have you ever come to think of think if the founder of nairabet gamble in school will he succeed to bring such business plan or even have the money to be copy the idea from foreign country please be wise..baba ijebu self don’t play betting..


please just go to class even if you are only to be there in body and not in mind, most teacher pass out vital information while explaining which are likely not to be in the lecture notes .. GET a jotter for this just #100..

Participate in class

Don’t study over night too much, for you to be able to focus during next class

Find your reading spot :

this is very vital, I have a friend who can only study better at the school pitch, please don’t copy such idea cause your own study point might be in the toilet..

Get a class tutor:

gang up with your colleagues to discuss what you don’t understand about today’s lecture


please have a good leisure time all work and no play makes jack a dull boy..

Don’t be selfish, share your knowledge with others else they will surely course you after the exam for not explaining to him during exam preparation…
Please don’t underrate my last point cause it works…


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