OSPOLY HND Admission List, 2018/2019 Out

OSPOLY HND Admission List, 2018/2019 Out

OSPOLY HND 1st Batch Admission List for the 2018/2019 Academic Session has been released.

All candidates who applied for admission in the polytechnic and participated in the Admission Screening exercise are by this notice advised to proceed to check their admission status on the school portal.

Candidates can check their admission status online on the school portal. The procedure to do so is outlined below;

How To Check OSPOLY HND Admission List

Candidates are to visit:  http://applications.ospolyiree.com/student/Default.aspx.Locate and click on Check Admission Notification.Provide your Application Number and Password in the required columns.Click login and enter your Notification card details to access your OSPOLY Iree HND admission status.

Note: Candidates are required to proceed to the Ospoly Microfinance Bank, Iree or its branches at Ayetoro, Osogbo or Isokun round about, Ilesa to buy Notification Card of N900 to check admission status.

Admitted candidates will be required to buy Acceptance Card of N15,000 for payment of Acceptance fee and printing of necessary documents online in preparation for the pre-registration screening at the admission office. Congratulations!



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