LASPOTECH Post-UTME Screening Form – 2018/2019

LASPOTECH Post-UTME Screening Form – 2018/2019

The Lagos State Polytechnic Post-Utme screening form for 2018/2019 academic session is now on sale. All eligible candidates are advised to get the form before it closes. LASPOTECH Post-UTME screening from costs 2,000 Naira. Read to the end to see the closing date.

Eligible Candidates

All candidates that chose the Lagos State Polytechnic in the 2018/2019 UTME exams and obtained a minimum score of 150. Candidates must also have the required O’level subjects and JAMB subject combination.

LASPOTECH accepts candidates that chose the institution as the first or second choice. However, to be offered admission, you have to make Lagos State Polytechnic first choice.

How to Apply for the LASPOTECH Post-UTME Screening Form

The form can be gotten online through the school website. Candidates should follow the procedure below to obtain the form.

Visit the school website at on “2018/2019 Admission” at the right-hand side of the navigation pane.

Select “Full-time ND” from the list of options.

Click on continue.

Click on Okay when prompted to continue with the selected programme.

Fill in your details correctly with a valid email address and phone number.

For the Username, you can use your JAMB UTME registration number.

After filling, click on continuer.

A verification code will be sent to your email address. Login to your email address to get the code.

Visit the LASPOTECH website homepage at

Login with the username and password you created previously.

Enter the verification code from your email address and click continue

Make a payment of 2,000 Naira.If the payment is successful, you will be redirected to a page where you can fill in more information about yourself, JAMB UTME scores and your course of study.

Click on continue after you have filled out this page.On the next page, upload your passport photograph, fill your O’level grades and secondary school attended.

Make your confirmations before final submission.

Print out the application form as it will be required later on.

The LASPOTECH Post-UTME screening results shows up immediately after you have obtained the form. You should print out your post-UTME result while waiting for the cut-off mark and admission list to be released.

The form closes on Sunday, 22nd of July, 2018 by 11:59 pm.


JK said…
While reading for POST UME it is also advisable you go through learclax exam passing tips to pass your POST UTME and JAMB exams sucessfully

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