7 signs that school is not for you

7 Signs That School Is Not For You

We all know that going to school is very good. However, schooling is not for everybody, some people are better off learning a skill. That you aren’t smart academically doesn’t mean that you aren’t good in other areas. Try to discover your real talent or skills instead of wasting time going when you don’t have the knowledge. This article will unveil to you the signs that school is not for you.

If you are facing any of the following predicaments or challenges, they are signs that school is not for you.

Signs That School Is Not For You

#1 Scored Less Than 50 in Jamb

The total score for Jamb is 400. So, if you score less than 50 in Jamb examination, it is a pure indication that school is not for you. Try to discover your real skill as studying is obviously not one of them.

#2 You Don’t Have A Single Credit In Your Waec Result

Another sign that school is not for you is when you have parallel F in your Waec. As a matter of fact, you didn’t even get a single credit.

#3 Cooking Beans 10 minutes to Exam

This may seem funny but in reality, it is actually a "Made in Naija" idiomatic expression which indicates all attitude of unseriousness. In a nutshell, serious students are expected to be at their examination venues 10 minutes before the start of the exam. Hence any other activity done by this time can be referred to "Boiling Beans 10 Minutes before Exam"
#4 You Sleep In The Exam Hall

When you start sleeping the examination hall, just know that school is not for you. It is an indication that you are doing something you don’t have passion for.

So, discover your passion and go for it. This is better than forcing your self to study and end up sleeping during examinations.

#5 You Only Read A day to Examination

Lack of seriousness is when a student start reading a text book or study material a day to examination. Oh! you think this is normal?

Don’t be deceived, it is one of the most obvious signs that school is not for you.

#6 Your GPA is 1.0 on a Scale of 5.0

This one is actually very powerful. When a student GPA is 1.0 on a scale of 5.0, seriously, it is a sign that school is not for them.

How can you score a GPA as low as 1.0 in the University? Are you breaking melon in School? Stop deceiving yourself, go and learn a trade.

#7 Submit Your Question Paper and Take your answer sheet home

I actually saw somebody who made similar mistake during my undergraduate days. the question I keep asking is “How can you submit question paper and take your answer sheet home”?

This is a serious one. But once you start making these types of mistakes or other similar mistakes, just know that school is not for you.


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