8 Things To Do Before You Head Home From Your Study Abroad You’re finally done. Your study abroad semester is over. Be sure to do these 8 things before you leave. Time sure flies when you’re having fun. It felt like just yesterday you arrived in this beautiful foreign country and now it’s time for you to go back home. Finals are almost done and your flight back home is only a few days away. Bummer! Here are 8 things that you should do before you leave. 1. Decide who you want to stay in contact with One of the best things about studying abroad, whether it’s only for a semester or for the whole duration of your course is the valuable friends and contacts that you make while you’re there. You would have met so many people during your semester abroad, made new friends, co-workers, professors etc. Shortlist the people that you want to keep in touch with and ask for their contact information- this includes both the friends and your own network. After you...
This is the Jamb Syllabus 2018 page. The Joint Admission and Matriculation board has approved the 2018 Jamb CBT Syllabus. See it below. Jamb UTME Syllabuses for UTME 2018 Jamb 2018 Syllabus for All Device A text version of some of these syllabus has been provided and can be directly viewed now. Use any of the links below to view any subject. Principle of Account Chemistry Agric Science History Government Literature Geography Physics Biology IRK Economics Commerce English Language Mathematics Home Economics Scroll down to download the Jamb 2018 Syllabus in PDF. The JAMB Syllabus is an official document or material that contains a detailed information and guide on the areas or topics you are expected to cover on a particular subject for your 2018 UTME. The Questions you are to answer on the examination day will be drawn from the topics outlined. Below is the current JAMB Syllabus for your respective subjects(in PDF). Please click on the subjects below to do...
You probably already know that sites such as Facebook, Youtube or Google.com are blocked in China and that the only way to access them is with a VPN . But what about the other hundreds of web sites that we normally use? Are we sure that they’ll work in China? One of the most frequent questions we receive is if a certain website or app, such as Dropbox Google Play, is blocked in China. Related news: Censorship of facebook In this article we’ll list all web sites, which at the moment, don’t work beyond the Great Firewall of China, or the system developed by the Ministry of Public Security, (MPS) to control access to websites considered “dangerous” for Chinese citizens. Which websites are blocked in China? Here’s a list of the most popular websites which, at the moment, are blocked in China: Social Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, Snapchat, Picasa, WordPress.com, Blogspot, Blogger, Flickr, SoundCloud, Google+, Google Hangouts, Hootsuite. Apps Google P...