Udacity Google Africa Scholarship Program 2018

Udacity Google Africa Scholarship Program 2018

Interested applications are invited for the Google Africa Scholarship Programopen to residents of countries in Africa who are at least 18 years old.

Udacity, Inc. provides a program under which it grants scholarships to students who apply for sponsorships of fees for Udacity programs (“Scholarship Program”). Udacity shall provide fully-funded sponsorship (“Scholarships”) for one or both of the following services: (i) a two-month unique instance of custom learning path created from curated combinations of courses in web or Android (“Custom MOOC”), (ii) a five-month subscription to one of four (4) Nanodegree Programs: Front-End Web Developer, Mobile Web Specialist, Android Basics Nanodegree and Android Developer, collectively referred to herein as “ND Program(s).”

How it Works: To apply for this scholarship, you need to be at least 18 years old and live in a country in Africa. When applying, you will choose between learning web development or Android development. From there, once you’re accepted, we’ll place you in one of two tracks (beginner or intermediate), depending on your existing skills and experience. After that, the learning begins! Some scholarship recipients may be able to participate in an Andela Learning Community with our partners from Andela. Finally, top students from each track will earn full scholarships to one of our Android or Web Development Nanodegree programs.

Entry Submission Conditions: Only one (1) Entry per Participant during the Contest Period. Each Participant is limited to one (1) entry for the Contest Period. All requested information in the application must be completed to enter and to be eligible to win.
Participant  will be deemed to be the Authorized Account Holder of the registered student account that completes the application.

“Authorized Account Holder” is defined as the natural person who is assigned to the registered student account by Udacity. In the event of a dispute over the ownership of a registered student account, the prize will be awarded to the Authorized Account Holder of the registered student account.

Judging Criteria: The winners will be selected by Udacity in its sole discretion. Judges will evaluate each Participant’s coursework in eligible courses and Nanodegree programs and select winners based on the below criteria:

Satisfactory completion of the application for the Scholarship

Demonstrated ability to successfully complete or make substantial progress in online courses like those offered on Udacity.com

Sufficient prerequisite knowledge necessary for the of the content of all applications will be evaluated based on the quality and thoughtfulness of their responses.

Submissions should incorporate the following elements that the judges will use as criteria when selecting contest winners: Goal Orientation and Desire to Make an Impact, Demonstrated Determination and Diversity of PerspectiveThe decisions of Udacity are final, binding, and not subject to appeal. Sponsor reserves the right to not award all prizes in its sole discretion if it does not receive a sufficient number of qualified and eligible entries, or otherwise for reasons of force-majeure or causes beyond the Sponsor’s reasonable control. In the event of a tie, the sole decision for breaking the tie will be the responsibility of Udacity.

The announcement of Winners: Winners will be individually contacted by Udacity and/or its representatives via e-mail addresses and contact numbers provided during application for the Scholarships. Google or Udacity may also announce winners’ names publicly. All eligible Participants agree to receive phone calls and emails from Google and its representatives in relation to the Scholarship.

Google Africa Scholarship Program Eligibility: The Scholarship opportunity is only open to individuals who are:

at the time of entry are at least 18 years of age on the date of entry; andresidents of any jurisdiction from any country in Africa that does not otherwise ban participation in the Contest or where Udacity is otherwise unable to provide its services by applicable laws

(“Participants”).Employees and officers of Sponsor, the parties’ advertising and promotion agencies, and all other entities participating in the design, promotion, marketing, advertising, administration or fulfillment of this Contest and their immediate families (“Promotion Parties”) are ineligible to participate in this Contest. Void where else restricted or prohibited by law. Participants’ rights and responsibilities may vary by jurisdiction.

Potential Winners will be required to sign, notarize, and return an Affidavit or Declaration of Eligibility, a Liability/Publicity Release and provide any additional information that may be required by Sponsor. Failure to comply with such requirements within the time period stipulated by Sponsor may result in disqualification and selection of an alternate winner.

Google Africa Scholarship Program Application

At any time during the Contest Period, access the Scholarship application from https://www.udacity.com/google-africa-scholarships and complete the application in full prior to the end of the Application Period.

Application Deadline: 24 April 2018


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